Dave Weaver of Montana State Hockey Wins National Coach of the Year Award

Dave Weaver, the head coach of Montana State University (MSU) Hockey, has been named the National American Collegiate Hockey Association's Coach of the Year (2023-2024 Season).

The Award Comes After a Memorable MSU Season

This is Weaver's second National Coach of the Year award, and he has also won the West Coach of the Year award three times. Weaver has been at the helm of MSU Hockey for eight years (the team did not play during the COVID season). During the 2023-2024 season, he led the Cats to a 36-4 record and a first-place finish in the West. The club went 2-1 at the National Tournament.

Dave Weaver National Coach of the Year (Photo: ACHA)

"This is not an individual award, the number of people who play a role in our team's success makes this possible. The players, assistant coaches, team managers, nutritionists, physical therapists, equipment managers...they all play a huge role.,” Weaver said. “Working together as a team and achieving team success is what makes an award like this possible," he continued.

Montana State University Hockey in Bozeman (Photo: MSU Hockey)

Looking Ahead to Next Season for MSU in the ACHA

Weaver and the MSU Hockey program now shifts their attention to next season. The team graduated five dynamic players, but the coach is confident in the returning core of accomplished players.

"I am excited about the possibilities of what we can achieve. The goal is always to get better and improve. I think our fans and supporters can expect a team that shows up hungry, determined, and ready to take the next step," he exclaimed.

More Information on Montana State University Hockey

For more information on Montana State University, check out their website. The club typically starts playing games around the third week of September and takes on regional Mountain West teams, including the University of Montana, Boise State University, University of Utah, and more.


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